So...what to say about myself?
I'm the author of a book called "How to Be a Single Mother; The pure, unfiltered, no bullshit guide to surviving single motherhood".
Why the book?
Geez...I think I was frustrated with the way that my life was looking at the time. I generally say that I never wanted kids in my youth, but that phrase might be incorrect. What I didn't want, was the responsibility of having children, therefore...well, you know.
Writing the book wasn't an actual 'decision'; I think I was writing a blog post one morning, and my gnat-like attention span had me turning the damn thing into a book(let).
This particular morning, I was thinking/writing about everything I'd ever heard/seen about 'being' a mother, and came to the sad conclusion that I hadn't really heard much about actually BEING a mother, before I'd actually experienced it.
I mean, no one ever really talks about what it's really like to be a mother, never mind what it's actually like to be a single mother. I'm talking about teaching the kids to do things like stick up for themselves (or do it for them), even if you never did it for yourself as a child or teenager, being the "squeaky wheel" for your child (because the squeaky wheel is generally the only one who ever gets grease...right?), etc.
I'm not the type who deals well with disrespect to me, but when someone disrespects my kids, my fuse is even shorter.
This blog is an extension of the original book, as one of my 'reviewers' said that she "really enjoyed the book, but wished it was longer".
So I'm making it longer :)
Use the 'envelope' on the right side of the screen to reach me.
Peace :)